Kids & Youth

Inspiring Future Generations

Messy Church.

Peasley Cross Messy Church is for families of all shapes and sizes to come together for crafts, activities, songs and stories on a Bible theme.

The sessions start with a simple meal and are usually two hours long. We have children of all ages and abilities and each session is completely free!

We will also be having Muddy Church 4 times a year which will be held outside, enabling families and children to wander and wonder at God’s creation.

Getting Messy!

Muddy Church.

Muddy Church is a group for families of all sizes, shapes and abilities that meets either at Sunshine Park or in the Church grounds four times a year, where we wander and wonder at God’s creation.

For details on when we meet and how to come along, please contact Rev Allison via our contact page.

Muddy Church is part of Messy Church based at Peasley Cross URC, Beaufort Street, St Helens, WA9 3BQ.



(Picture – Unsplash –

Protecting the Vulnerable


Our Safeguarding Policy follows the URC National Guidelines and can be downloaded below. Here is a short extract:

  • We acknowledge children’s and adults right to protection from abuse, regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality or beliefs. We consider that the welfare of children is paramount. We will follow legislation, statutory guidance and recognised good practice in order to protect vulnerable people in our church.
  • We will organise activities in such a way as to promote a safe environment and minimise the risk of harm to children and adults.
  • We will follow a safe recruitment process for the selection and appointment of people to work with children or adults at risk, whether voluntary or paid, lay or ordained.
  • We are committed to providing support, supervision, resources and training to those who work with children and adults.
  • We will use rigorous and careful supervision to protect people from the risks associated with known offenders within the congregation, including implementing contracts with known offenders and those who have been assessed as posing a risk.
  • We believe that abuse in all its forms is unacceptable and inconsistent with a Christian way of living and recognise that it can affect both adults and children.
  • All concerns and allegations of abuse will be responded to appropriately, including referring to the statutory authorities if necessary.
  • We will co-operate with the statutory authorities in any investigation, will follow multi-agency decisions and will maintain confidentiality of any investigations to those directly involved.